Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I just got my own (First hit on my page)

I cared to sign up in this site for my facebook not to look like a blog page of mine. Here I know, I could utter words as much as I have something to share and discuss about anything. I happened to discover the site just last night when I clicked link from my friend's facebook page then I ended up creating my own since I find the page nice.

I lie down on my bed early last night after just checking my mails. I woke up 9 am in the morning today and I was thinking of immediately posting something but I forgot to when I heard my tummy shouting for some stuff, haha! and so, garlic rice and fish started my day, I had much that's why 'til this late I still don't feel like taking my lunch though my aunt already served dish for us. I think we'll be having mussels cause I know the sound when It's being mixed over the copper, yummy!

So that's all for now, gonna rush downstairs, they might not spare hahaha!

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