Friday, April 2, 2010

choco mousse

Is this just a simple admiration? I don't think so, now that I'm seeing just a thin line to get myself into a bliss of wanting someone? hahaha! I just give a laugh about it, yeah I maybe too early for this, I'm such a moron. But no!  something's indeed so strange and It feels good, It's like I've tasted a small fraction of my favorite choco mousse cake and I'm still craving for more. 

This is about someone whom I happened to know through facebook. Let me just name this person "e.l.". We've been chatting on line for almost three weeks. I even did open my forgotten skype account just for us to hear and see each other. I don't have any serious intentions at first, I am just seeking for friends thinking that It may somehow help me get diversions, and would eventually obliterate everything about my past relationship. Actually, I'm almost an inch near the point of finally saying I've already moved on. During those times when I'm still in pain from getting hurt by someone, I kept on saying that It'll be difficult again to find love, I'll be counting years just getting over my ex. "Nagkamali ako", It's still possible in a wink that I might give myself a chance to have an eye and heart for someone else, specially when most of your likes are innate visible to a person.


  1. parang na icompare ko pa sa love toh blog mo :((

  2. nice Ron! take care!
